What may I expect?

Upon Arrival

You may expect to be greeted warmly and sincerely by our members. We care for one another as well as for our neighbors. Our "love for one another" identifies us as Christians (John 13:34-35).

From Those Who Attend

You may expect to find both members and visitors in our assembly. Besides our members, you may meet members of other churches, as well as visitors from the community. With the Pittsburgh International Airport nearby, it is not uncommon to meet people from afar.

The Meetinghouse

You may expect a comfortable, well equipped place for worshiping God and studying His word. Feel free to sit where you will feel most comfortable. To enter the building, there is a ramp at the side and stairs in the front. In the foyer, there is a water cooler, a bulletin board with church news, and Sunday bulletins. Restrooms are located downstairs as well as a dining area for special occasions. Facing the auditorium is a nursery. On the wall are gospel pamphlets for your use. Behind the pulpit is a baptistery with changing rooms for ladies and gentlemen, for believers who wish to be baptized.

Sunday Bible Study

You may expect our teachers to teach from the Bible and the gospel preacher to preach the gospel. Each Sunday, classes begin at 10:00 AM. There are classes for the children and adults. Of course, you may stay in the auditorium for class if you wish. Bible classes are dismissed at 10:45 AM, followed by a fifteen minute break before worship.

Sunday Worship

You may expect worship to offered "decently and in order" (1 Cor. 14:40). At 11:00 AM, there will be a brief period of announcements. The song leader will direct the congregation in a couple songs, followed by a prayer, and another song. The preacher will preach the gospel, followed by a song of encouragement for those who wish to obey the gospel. Those privileged to serve will pass out the unleavened bread and the fruit of the vine for communion. After communion, there is a collection for members to give for the work of the church. The worship concludes with a closing song and prayer.

Wednesday Bible Study

You may also expect to find us meeting each Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM. There is singing, praying, and studying. The service concludes at 8:00 PM.

In Summary

You may expect to find a comfortable meetinghouse, a warm welcome from people who assemble to praise God, study the Scriptures, and share the gospel. In all that we do, we strive to please God. We hope that you will decide to join us as we seek to reverently worship God.